
Should the crystal be worn on the left or right hand?
13 / 07 / 2023

This can be said to be the most common problem. The "qi" around the body of ordinary people runs from left to right (left-handed people are the opposite): wear it on your left hand, and the magnetic field of the crystal will enter your body; The right hand will emit the magnetic field.


From another perspective, wearing the left hand is like health food, which adjusts the magnetic field from the inside out; while wearing the right hand is like cosmetics or perfume, which is released from the outside. For example, in addition to attracting peach blossoms, pink crystal itself also has the effect of softening temperament. Wearing it on the left hand allows the magnetic field to enter the body, which can achieve the effect of softening one's heart; wearing it on the right hand, it emits the magnetic field to attract peach blossoms. (The above is the opposite if you are left-handed!)


Firstly, it is convenient to work and write without getting stuck; secondly, the "non-dominant hand" is to send the magnetic field of the crystal into the body, allowing you to change your own magnetic field from the inside out. If you start from the body Changes, of course, will also show up in your appearance, and people will naturally notice your changes.


When you find that your personality has indeed improved significantly, then change the crystal to your "dominant hand" and let the crystal speak for you and emit your magnetic field. In this way, you can take care of everything inside and out. In addition, it is also possible to rotate the left hand for a week and the right hand for a week (one month is also acceptable).


Generally, we recommend that crystal should be worn on the left hand, but obsidian is recommended to be worn on the right hand. The right hand is where the Qi in your body is discharged, and the main characteristic of obsidian is to avoid evil and block evil spirits. Wearing obsidian on the right hand is like wearing an invisible shield to resist negative energy. However, people who are not in good health and want to stay healthy can wear the left hand (the opposite is true for left-handers).

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